Mtoto mzuri alikuwa akisumuna gozi kwenye viwanja vidogo vya wazi, probably pretending he's Gareth Barry. Mama yake akaamua kujumuika kucheza naye -- sweet Moses! For some reason she hauls off and blasts the ball right into her son's face from just a few inches away. Why does she kick it that hard?! His jaunty hat pops right off!
The kid, of course, starts to cry and she tries to console him -- thankfully not by launching the ball at him again. Baada ya kutoa machozi kadhaa na tabasamu la mtoto kurejea, mtoto huyo kulingana na uwezo wa nguvu ya mguu wake aliuendea mpira na kuupiga mbali toka eneo alilokuwa mama yake ... kwanini?