Google hawako nyuma kama kielelezo cha Spray hiyo ya kuweka mstari iliyo muhimu kuondosha utata wa kuibia wakati wa maamuzi pindi free kick inapotaka kupigwa ikiwa ni baada ya madhambi kufanyika.
Spray hiyo maalum kwaajili ya mchezo wa soka hupulizwa kwenye eneo la madhambi yalipo fanyika kama mstari kielelezo kwa mpira unapostahili kuwa pasipo kuvuka. |
Pia Spray hiyo maalum kwa mchezo wa sokahupulizwa kama kielelezo cha mahala ambapo wachezaji wanapaswa kusimama kama ngome pasipo kuvuka. |
KAMA ulitizama mchezo wowote kati ya michezo inayoendelea sasa kwenye fainali za Kombe la Dunia basi utakuwa umeona kitu cha ziada kinachotumiwa na waamuzi pale linapokuja suala la upigaji wa free-kicks.
Ingawa inaonekana kama shaving cream, it's really a non-toxic "vanishing spray" created by Argentine journalist Pablo Silvathat will dissolve into the grass anywhere from 90-120 seconds after use. It caught on in South America in 2008, and is currently used in MLS. Next season, it will make its debut in the UEFA Champions League.
The reason for the vanishing spray is simple: on free kicks, the wall — the defenders lined up next to one another to guard part of the goal — must stand 10 yards from the ball. In the past, the ref had walked 10 yards from the ball and pointed vaguely to the place where the wall must stand, allowing the wall to creep back toward the ball to make it more difficult for the kick taker.
Now, with the vanishing spray, the refs can visibly mark 10 yards and ensure that the wall doesn't encroach on the play. It's a simple invention, but incredibly effective.
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